Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Day 4

Today we got up and went snorkeling with Captain Hooks snorkel and dive company. They have a merry little operation, including a pond with tarpon and a bonnet shark. Our boat, the Jolly Roger, was a magnificent vessel. It was expertly captained by Captain Mike, from New England, and capably manned by dive master Mr. Lee. The seas were quite calm and the snorkeling was unbelievable. We snorkeled at two spots. The first an area of reef that is being painstakingly restored by the divers that love it. The reef off the Florida Keys is the third largest reef in the world (after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the reefs in Belize), but over 30% of Florida's reefs were wiped out after Hurricane Irma, and continue to die due to pollution and rising temperatures. The second was called "The Aquarium", where we saw spiny lobsters, barracuda, angel fish, and many other species.

Next, we went to Curry Hammock State Park, a wonderful beach with crystal clear water and a massive sea grass bed. We partnered up, grabbed our nets, and went dipnetting for baby sea creatures. Species such as cowfish, pufferfish, seahorses, boxfish, and crabs were caught. After dipnetting, we ventured to Crane Point where we hiked through palm hammocks and hardwood hammocks, watched the sunset, sat around a campfire and listened to an expert fiddle player.

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